01.09.2021 > news and events

Don’t touch the logo!

The Evolution of Brand Logos:
Embracing Change or Clinging to


Recently, during a presentation of a fresh communication strategy to a client, the response to the suggestion of refreshing their long-standing logo was a resolute, "Absolutely not! Don't touch the logo! Barilla, for example, has always stayed the same; they've never done anything to their logo!" But is that really the case?

* Property image of the Barilla Historical Archives

Let's take a closer look at the landscape of Italian brands, including those recognized globally, and explore both the resistance and acceptance of change and their respective impacts.
The previously mentioned client's sentiment is not uncommon in the business world, where the phrase "don't touch the logo!" is often heard. However, as we examine examples like Barilla and others, a pattern emerges—one that separates the brands that shy away from the challenges of an ever- evolving market from those that thrive on change. What do these transformational brands have in common?

  • a shared commitment to the future
  • an understanding that times, markets, and users change
  • a perpetual inclination to evolve
  • an acceptance of change
  • a tendency to simplify

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and branding, the visual identity of a company plays a pivotal role in conveying its values, ethos, and evolution over time. While some brands embrace change and constantly evolve their logos to stay relevant, others resist, holding on to the sentimentality of tradition. The title phrase echoes through the halls of many advertising agencies, reflecting the hesitancy of some brands to alter a symbol that has been a constant companion for decades. In Italy, a country rich in heritage and tradition, this dichotomy is evident in the contrasting approaches of various brands.

Brands that understand the importance of adapting to contemporary trends and consumer preferences often find success through regular logo redesigns Over the years, these brands mostly just subtly refined their visual elements, maintaining the essence while adapting to modern design aesthetics. This evolution not only preserves the brand's timeless appeal but also resonates with newer generations of consumers.
In the technology sector, Italian brands like Ducati have also demonstrated a commitment to visual innovation, a more profound one. Ducati's logo has evolved to reflect advancements in design and technology. This continual evolution aligns with the brand's reputation for cutting-edge performance motorcycles, appealing to a broad audience that values both tradition and innovation.
The debate between embracing change and preserving tradition is a constant challenge for brands worldwide, with Italy serving as a fascinating case study. While some Italian brands successfully navigate this balance by evolving their logos to reflect contemporary values, others risk stagnation by resisting change. The adage "don't touch the logo!" may resonate with the comfort of familiarity, but the brands that thrive are those that recognize the importance of evolution, marrying tradition with innovation to remain relevant in the ever-shifting marketplace.
* global brand examples
Resisting change poses a significant danger for companies across various industries. The refusal to adapt to shifting consumer preferences, emerging technologies, and contemporary design trends can lead to stagnation and irrelevance. Brands that resist change risk alienating themselves from a dynamic and diverse consumer base, limiting their appeal to new generations. Moreover, in a global market where competition is fierce and innovation is prized, companies that cling to outdated practices may find themselves outpaced by more agile and forward-thinking competitors. The outcomes of resisting change often include declining market share, diminished brand relevance, and a struggle to connect with an audience that demands modernity. Embracing change becomes not just a matter of survival but a strategic imperative for those looking to thrive in an environment where adaptability is synonymous with long-term success. Whether in the automotive, food, fashion, or technology sectors, the lesson is clear – prosper by continually adapting and evolving, not only in business strategies but also in how you communicate with the world around you.
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